Tuesday, December 8, 2015


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Well in this case, it just made me miss a whole lot. Posting, for one, since the last time that happened was right when I decided to launch Hypothetically Speaking. And shortly thereafter I wound up getting a job.

Ah, work, the killer of dreams.

So where was I? Virginia. A little place called Montross. Beautiful place, you should visit. But can I admit something?

I hated it.

See, I got spoiled. After two years of substitute teaching for some of the best schools in PA, I wound up moving to a rural area which had a struggling school district. To say the least. I worked hard for two years, learned a lot, and then...decided to come back. Back to square one for the most part.

So what have I been doing since being away? Well, I'll reveal it when the time is right. It's time to get back to this blogging thing. So look forward to more posts in the future faithful readers. If any of you are still out there.

It's time to get back into the game.