Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Six Mostly Thought Out Love Archetypes

Good Afternoon everyone. How are you? I'm going to assume well because why shouldn't you be? Let's break away from the unanswerable questions and dive into our topic for the day.

Using a new found respect for shorter (though not quite five letter short) words, I'm going to continue the talk we had on Monday. Archetypes. Let's define some shall we? I'm going to focus on the modern Archetypes found in love stories because I don't hear enough about them and I find the topic fascinating. I'll go into the archetype itself, pros to the archetype and cons.

So why six? Three male and three female, in alternating order. And I'll start with...

The Pixie

An apt definition of the pixie would be a large percentage of the characters that Zooey Deschanel plays. Whether it's because she herself is a pixie, or just typecasting, Deschenal often finds herself playing the following character. An independent girl who isn't afraid to make the first move. Fun and unpredictable but not wild, more quirky. She doesn't want the stereotypical love she wants something real. The pixie is what she sounds like, fun, flirty, energetic.

Pros-The pixie is a more recently developed archetype, which shows a shift in romantic expectations. The fact that they're willing to make the first move is great for love stories, as is the fact that they go against the old stereotypes. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like Pixies but...

Cons-Pixies are often found in movies where the male lead is shy, boring, and potentially recovering from serious issues. Pixies generally bring characters out of their shell, but the pixie much like a different archetype, hinders personal character growth. In addition, they can often become unrealistic, little more than a bundle of quirks not necessarily a real human being.

The Nice Guy

There have always been nice guys, but in an attempt to draw men as well as women into watching romantic comedies the nice guy has taken a shift. In the past, the nice guy was just that, nice, but nice guys were still generally the stars of life. That is to say, they were the rich, the athletic, the complete package so to speak. The problem with that old way is that nice guys almost always come about due to having to make up for a lack in other traits, which is why we now have the new nice guy.

We see the new nice guy in shows like the Big Bang, movies which give geek actors the opportunity to woo hot actresses in romantic comedies more comedy than romance. A lot of the better nice guy movies feature older romances such as in Cyrus, 40 Year Old Virgin, etc. But what I'm getting at is that the new nice guys are nice to overcompensate for traits they lack. They are often understanding in the face of irrational emotion, willing to go to great lengths to please their woman, have some sort of well paying job but often aren't exorbitantly wealthy, and often see in a person what they themselves can't.

Pros-The obvious, nice guys don't treat their women like crap, and often woo a girl who is being treated like crap. They view their love interest as a real person and understand that real people have real problems.

Cons-Their is a limit to how much crap a person can take and while the nice guys in the movies take a lot, real nice guys are more wont to find someone nice as well . Nice guys also tend to be delegated to the role of waiting while their woman figures out what she wants, where as a smart nice guy knows waiting almost never pays off.

Smart Girls

Smart girls aren't often the pursued in Romance but they are increasing in number as the pursuers. Emma Stone plays a lot of them, and they tend to be similar to, but not quite the same, as pixies. Smart girls are firstly smart, both book smart and character smart. They have a protective edge of snark around them which keeps dumb guys away and tend to use a lot of sarcasm.

Smart girls still follow a lot of the rules of classic romance, they still want a guy who will make the first move but they want someone who sees them for who they are and isn't afraid of their intelligence. Smart girls often are trying to find Mr. Right while also pursuing some dream career. They don't necessarily have wild and crazy quirks, but will often let loose at least once in a movie often with the aid of alcohol. Once they are being pursued they make it difficult for the man but that's part of the point. Smart girls aren't easy.

Pros-Firstly they're smart. Any smart female character is to be celebrated and smart girls tend to be comfortable being alone and won't tolerate a bad relationship. They are driven, have personality, and are the most realistic of the types I'll list.

Cons-None. I love smart girls. Ok, there have to be some cons. Smart girls tend to be leads, we only see their perspective. There's not much from the other side which serves as a problem. Also smart girls, for all of their intelligence, somehow always wind up with the old nice guy. So essentially, Smart girls, while awesome, still exist in an older romantic context.

The Dark Brooding Guy

We'll go straight to Twilight on this one. Edward and Jacob fulfill this role, as do a lot of the love interests you see in supernatural, fiction. The Dark brooding guy isn't going to tell you what he feels, and even if you want him to stay away, he's going to be around. They say everything you want to be told but could never admit, and do everything you want someone to do but would never tell. They get you because they're obsessed with you.

Pros-Who doesn't want to be someone's obsession? Dark brooding guys often see through the flaws of a character to their core, and understand a person fully. Plus dark brooding guys have secrets, often powerful secrets. And they're masters of the bed room.

Cons-I've never seen a dark brooding guy character who didn't read like a stalker. Being mysterious often isn't due to a person having secrets, it's due to a person not having anything worth saying. And dark brooding guys often are emotional train wrecks, transferring through emotions at the drop of a dime.

The Bad Girl

This is again a shift, because the bad girl has always existed. Currently the bad girl is seen in movies like Fight Club, xXx, Bad Teacher, etc. Modern bad girls don't give a fuck and they don't care if you know it. Bad girls will tell a character what's what which will often be infuriating but also what they need to hear. They will often have their own style and odd hobbies/behaviors, but in the end a bad girl learns something and sticks with the person who can tame them.

Pros-Much like the Pixie bad girls aren't afraid to make the first move but unlike the pixie the guy has to already be in a state to handle the bad girl or else nothing gets initiated. Bad curls push characters to their limits, they reveal truths to characters, and they are more interesting than more normal girls ever could be.

Cons-bad girls are often crazy. If you encountered one in real life most instincts would scream run and they'd be right. Bad girls generally have serious issues which need resolving, and often drugs are involved.

The Geek

Obviously shows like the Big Bang theory employ the geek archetype, but we also see them popping up more frequently now. The geek isn't so much a new as it is evolving. Now they get to go on romantic adventures as well.

Geeks embody a lot of the nice guy, though unlike the nice guy don't have the confidence to employ it. They have lucrative careers, busy lives, and generally exist within their own geek worlds. Geeks are mostly seen in more heavily comedic roles because they make way more mistakes than the other archetypes, but they also tend to have the biggest rewards.

Pros-Geeks have their stuff together. They offer much of the rewards of the nice guy but they also have better senses of humor. They'll often encourage characters to break away from their constrained worlds and experience some of the strangeness in life.

Cons-Delegated to comedic roles, geeks don't get a lot of opportunity to break from the stereotypes of geekdom. Since they share most of their traits with the nice guy, they can often be confused, though there are plenty of the new nice guys who are not geeks. They also tend to not go for geek girls much like how the smart girls go for the not as smart guys.

So there we have it, some new archetypes to consider. Of course I might have gotten it wrong but lacking other reading on the subject I felt I'd add my analysis to the game.

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